Green Technology
Green Technology or in Indonesian language we would call Teknologi Hijau is the application of natural sciences to care for nature and everything in it so as not to adversely affect humans and other earth components. In principle, this technology uses energy sources such as water, oil, and gas. Source of energy is also a renewable energy and do no harm for the future generations. In particular, green technology reduces the levels of carbon emissions into the air that can cause climate change.
In applying green technology, the government can do to improve the quality of various aspects such as natural resources, environmental, economic, and social. If green technology is applied, the government can save natural resources, especially non-renewable natural resources. That was caused by a natural resource that can not be renewed if discharged will be formed again in a few million years. In terms of the environment, green technology into environmental friendly technology for using natural resources that can be renewed as water and soil. That way, there will be no amount of air pollution that may endanger the health of the body, especially the lungs. By using a renewable natural resource, while non-renewable natural resources can be saved, the government can save money and revenue budget of our country can be further increased after applying the Green Technology. This is certainly good news for the advancement of the economic sector of the country. Additionally, if the terms of social society, with increasing economic growth by saving natural resources are not renewed, is expected to improve the quality of public welfare of this country.
As mentioned earlier, green technology using a renewable natural resource. Following this be an example of the use of green technology: solar power, hydropower, wind power, hydrogen, and biojisim palm. With solar power is a potential area of our country is a tropical country, the energy can be obtained more easily. Using it, we can absorb the energy of heat and light during the day, which in turn are used to convert light energy as heat and electricity at night. Water power is taken from the water that flows like a waterfall and reservoirs. Power is widely used in the country of Malaysia. But apparently resultingin use water contamination so it is less effective. In addition, there is a wind power or air. The air that is used here is a function of hydrogen as a fuel. Apparently its use is safe for the environment because it reduces the use of greenhouse gases that can damage the ozone layer. But, in fact, difficult to obtain this substance as hydrogen obtained through thermochemical so expensive. Other materials are biofuels that can be produced directly from plants or waste.
As mentioned earlier, many advantages when using green technology and ways of application. Therefore, from us as students, we are the ones who started way that Indonesia is not dependent on fuel from source renewable natural resources are usually not pollute the environment. This is for the future of a better Indonesia.
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